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Actualizado: 6 jul 2021

Welcome HIVERS to our second chapter and second day of investment collection for our cryptocurrency BeeCoin.

Today we are going to comment a little on the ideas we have for our project and using our cryptocurrency how we can gradually change the world for the better.

• Help Venezuela: It is no secret to anyone that I Larsito as Dtuber and CEO of BeeCoin Blockchain am from Venezuela and I know first-hand the economic blow that my country is suffering and the devaluation that our local currency the Bolivar is having, the government Socialist in his desperation to restore order created his own blockchain and his own mining pool to be able to generate the Petro cryptocurrency to gradually supplant the bolivar and finish overthrowing the powerful dollar that has taken over Venezuelan commerce, but very few people More than an obligation and not by will, they support the Public (Petro) cryptocurrency, that is why we would like, with a private company, to follow the idea that our government had and create a cryptocurrency that does a good job of advertising in the main cities of the country and little by little put the BeeCoin in the heart of Venezuelans and little by little supplant the bolivar to ensure at least 90% the welfare of the billet It belonged to every Venezuelan. Create a pool where they can mine the BeeCoin and in turn a method to exchange Bolivares to Beecoin in a simple and fast way.

• Create a Video Platform: although it is true that in the market today there are many video platforms that are paying in cryptocurrencies such as: 3Speak, BitTube, Dtube, Dlive, TronTV, Odysee. Among many other platforms that today are paying small amounts of money for daily video, after having analyzed each page and seeing the failures of each of them we wanted to make a platform where we improve the failures of the others by creating a platform with monthly recognitions such as plates via delivery. ETC. On the other hand, verification system of certain channels, monthly accumulated payment for all the videos uploaded in the month through BeeCoin cryptocurrency, Exchange within the same page to exchange BeeCoins to any other cryptocurrency in legal course such as: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Doge Coin, a system for analyzing visits and video views as well as monthly graphs of their respective subscribers, among many other ideas that we consider will form a much more stable and reliable platform for many of the content creators who want to make a living from it, Obviously respecting our decentralization, leaving aside issues of copyright and censorship and being able to allow people to express themselves no matter where in the world they are or what race or personality they are or what topic they have to discuss if they have something to say to us We will listen to you and help you improve your ideas.

• Implement in the future transfer system without commissions: to this day our team and I have not yet known how to implement a transfer wallet that is linked to our Cryptocurrency and for each transfer do not charge commissions in the genesis block, that is why We are dedicating ourselves to the task of making contracts with companies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Doge Coin, Steem and Hive to try to carry out a free trade exchange away from commissions and lost profits where traders are pleased to continue increasing their money without having to give it away instantly for the annoying commissions and simply pay an annual account in said Exchange where only a sum of money is paid once a year and from there make the desired amount of transfers.

These would be our main ideas to give life and shape to a project that would be revolutionizing many aspects of the world of cryptocurrencies and we hope you agree with us, obviously we have many more ideas that we consider you will love to hear from us to facilitate many lives in this cryptouniverse but for BeeCoin Blockchain policy and privacy issues we are going to do without saying what they are and we will simply limit ourselves to letting the project take place little by little, and you will enjoy the benefits little by little ...

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